Don’t Lose Your Creativity to the Hustle
Find it, hold on, and don’t let go.
Have you ever poured so much love into writing, painting, or recording a cooking video only to share your creation online and receive no attention for it?
While you worked, and even after, you felt like you were soaring. But seeing ten likes, a single one, or maybe nothing at all makes you plummet as though someone grabbed a rope and tied your wings together.
And it happens again. And again.
Before you know it, one year has passed, and creating doesn’t feel like flying anymore. It feels like carrying a rock on your back. Because you know that every time you create, you’re going to fail — based on the evidence laid out in front of you.
Maybe this is a story you’ve been the main character of, or it’s a scene you find yourself living now. You wanted to be famous, build a brand, or make money — all things that you should strive for, should you want — but you lost your creativity to the hustle. This defeats the purpose of having gone after this goal in the first place, doesn’t it?
You wanted to do something that made you happy for a living, but now you find yourself very unhappy.
So that brings us to the question: how do you untie your wings and start flying again?