Overthinking Is an Ocean, and I Am Drowning In It

That is until I remember I can swim.

Itxy Lopez
3 min readAug 30, 2021

This morning, I opened my eyes underwater and screamed. The sound waves vibrated in the ocean but no one could hear a thing. Calm down. Take a deep breath, I thought. But if I inhaled, the water would seep into my lungs and I’d drown.

I looked around for help, but all I could see were sharks. Above me, below, to my left, and my right. I shouted and shouted until I felt myself caving in.

Someone come save me. Take my hand and lead me to the surface.

Wild. Desperate. Frantic.

But never, never hopeless.

Seconds away from sinking into the ocean floor, I remembered: I can swim. I can pump my arms and legs and make it back to land myself.

But I’m still surrounded by sharks. Creatures that could grab hold of my legs and drag me back underneath. Beasts that would destroy me once and for all.

Then I saw it. Quickly: A flicker. A glitch. An illusion. The sharks disappeared for a blink and were back the next.

They weren’t real.

I didn’t wait another second before gathering my remaining strength and swimming straight through the sharks and toward the surface. It didn’t matter how long…



Itxy Lopez

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.